Saturday, December 28, 2013

101 in 1001: Already Accomplished

I know that I said my start date for my 101 in 1001 was going to be January 1, 2014, but I'm cheating and starting early--I can't help it, I'm too excited!  This was the first thing in my Personal & Fun section, and I really enjoyed doing it.  It was a good way to think about how far I've come and how much I've already accomplished, especially as I'm starting this huge new list of goals.  So, in no particular order, here are a bunch of things that I've already done with my life!

  1. Attended Pride
  2. Been to Listowel Writer’s Week
  3. Met Colum McCann and had two books signed by him
  4. Been to the Irish Parliament 
  5. Met former political prisoners in Northern Ireland
  6. Pulled a pint in an Irish pub
  7. Visited a new continent
  8. Visit the site of the Beatles first gig
  9. Visited John Lennon’s favorite pub in Liverpool
    Inside the Philarmonic--so cool!
  10. Attended a high tea 
  11. Worked on a Presidential campaign
    My own little office
  12. Saw Barack Obama speak (3 times! Columbus, Akron, Mentor High)  
    In Columbus (first time)...
    ..and Akron
  13. Hot tubbed in the snow (Steamboat)
  14. Visited a natural hot springs (Steamboat)
  15. Been to the Atlantic Ocean (Outer Banks, Hilton Head)
  16. Been on a plane
  17. Visited the Christmas Story House
  18. Vacationed on largest freshwater island in the world (Manitoulin)
  19. Skied at Snowbasin
  20. Met all four of my grandparents
  21. Put my hands flat on the floor from standing
  22. Get my head on the ground in Prasarita Padottanasana
  23. Toured the Jameson Factory in Dublin, Ireland (and became an original Irish whiskey taster)
  24. Visited 8 states (not counting the ones I’ve been through on the way there)
  25. Visited 2 Canadian provinces
  26. Learned how to develop and print from film
  27. Opened a mutual fund
  28. Waitressed
  29. Eaten a meal alone in a restaurant
  30. Spent a week at a monastery, living with nuns 
  31. Learned to like beer
  32. Gone vegetarian for more than a month
  33. Read a whole book in French
  34. Attended an OSU football game
  35. Attended an Indians game
  36. Grown plants from seeds/cuttings
  37. Made a pie from scratch (nectarine raspberry with homemade crust)
  38. Made a cake from scratch (coconut cake for grandma Arlene)
  39. Done hot yoga (sweaty but FUN; I'm a believer)
  40. Gotten a 4.0 multiple semesters
  41. Made a drastic hair change
    Almost to my waist before!
  42. Been to a drive-in movie
  43. Ran along the river Liffey
  44. Volunteered for causes I believe in
  45. Gone jet skiing
  46. Actually dressed up in a good Halloween costume
    Lucille Bluth (with Michael, of course)
  47. Learned how to knit
  48. Knitted a scarf
  49. Been to family reunions (for both sides of my family)
  50. Found a signature cocktail (Jameson & Ginger)
  51. Learned to drive
  52. Rode a bike on the beach
    No hands.  I live dangerously.
  53. Take vitamins regularly
  54. Established a yoga routine
  55. Rode on a ferry
  56. Rode on a train
  57. Rode in a taxi in London
  58. Rode on a subway (London Tube)
  59. Ice skated on a pond, outside
  60. Been to NYC
  61. Seen the sunrise over the Atlantic ocean
  62. Done yoga on the beach
  63. Done a yoga class with more than 100 other people
  64. Sung karaoke (not alone, though..)
  65. Been camping
  66. Cooked a meal for my mom
  67. Found some beauty products that I really really like (thanks, Dr. Bronner!)
  68. Left my phone number for a server at a restaurant
  69. Visited my sister at college
  70. Been an RA
  71. Bought myself something nice
  72. Learned to do my own nails (pretty well…)
  73. Tried durian (it was a mistake)
  74. Smoked hookah on the Curry Mile in Manchester, UK
  75. Updated my resume
  76. Finally got on LinkedIn
  77. Pierced my nose
  78. Drawn a self-portrait (a few, actually)
    Soft pastel on black paper
  79. Tried elk
  80. Finished a New York Times crossword puzzle (not Friday, though)
  81. Saw one of my favorite bands in concert (Foxy!  For free!!)
  82. Taken a spontaneous trip with a friend (see #84; thanks Coop!)
  83. Used my French to talk to French people (in a bar, but still)
  84. Made my way through an airport alone
  85. Wear my retainer [almost] every day
  86. Seen Wicked
  87. See a symphony orchestra perform (Columbus Sypmhony; fall 2010)
  88. Found my favorite pens
  89. Learn to play chess
  90. Visited the oldest pub in Belfast (maybe oldest in Northern Ireland? Don’t remember..)
  91. Made my own jewelry (and some for other people)
  92. Grew my hair out really long
  93. Joined a sorority
  94. Kept up a long distance relationship (for a while, at least)
  95. Stayed in a hostel
  96. Stayed in a four-star hotel (it was okay)
  97. Worked on my fear of public speaking
  98. Made some really solid friends (love you!)
  99. Drank champagne at night with friends in a hot tub.
  100. Survived the worst semester ever.  RIP, Fall 2013.
  101. Made my first 101 in 1001 list (and started working on it, look at that!)

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