Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lazy Sunday: Update

....because I'm sure you were dying for an update.  But, very good news, we ended up at Barnes and Noble, and they're currently playing Paul Simon's Graceland album.  I'm a happy girl.

Lazy Sunday

Well, actually not that lazy.  I'm wrapping up a paper right now (12 pages on political theory..oof.), one of two that needs to get done before next semester starts.  A bit later, a friend and I are going to post up at Starbucks for a few hours...for some more work.  I have a resume to update, books to sell, other books to buy, sorority stuff to do...tell me again how winter break is supposed to be a break?

But on the bright side, the album I'm listening to on repeat while I do all of the above--how did it take me so long to find out about these guys??

Saturday, December 28, 2013

101 in 1001: Books I've Read

Another 101 in 1001 goal that I set for myself was to keep a list of all the books I read.  So I'm starting that now!  Again, I know I'm cheating, because I said I wouldn't start until 2014, but I just finished a really good book, and I wanted to get started.  So here, I'll be keeping track of all the books I read over the course of my next 1001 days in chronological order.  I'm mostly putting down things I read for fun, but I'll include some of the things I read for classes if I like them particularly. Feel free to join me if you'd like--make your own list, and keep checking back here for new reads!

  1. The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith: so good!  I loved Smith's other books and had heard not so great things about this one, but I really enjoyed it.  Standard witty Smith sense of humor, believable characters, and questions about modernity.
  2. The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides: working on this one now! Finished! I didn't like this as much as I liked his other two books, but it was still good. It's gotten a number of negative reviews that I don't think it deserves. In the same way that Middlesex is sort of an American epic, he does some interesting things at sort of a meta level in this book too.
  3. If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino: I read this for a class, and it is great; it plays with narrative and form and reading itself. So fun to read, quick, witty. I don't want to give too much away, and I don't know that I'd recommend it to everyone--it might not be what most people would consider a beach read, but if you're into literature, hit me up because you need to read this.
  4. Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov: The bad is that this made me feel like I was losing it, the same way that reading Beckett's Molloy did. But the good is that it's interesting, my first Nabokov, and apparently has a huge cult following (I swear, Google it, people are like divided into camps about the main character).
  5. Double Down by Mark Halpernin & John Heilemann: working on this one too, by the authors of Game Change, about the 2012 US Presidential Election race.  So far just as good as the last!

101 in 1001: Already Accomplished

I know that I said my start date for my 101 in 1001 was going to be January 1, 2014, but I'm cheating and starting early--I can't help it, I'm too excited!  This was the first thing in my Personal & Fun section, and I really enjoyed doing it.  It was a good way to think about how far I've come and how much I've already accomplished, especially as I'm starting this huge new list of goals.  So, in no particular order, here are a bunch of things that I've already done with my life!

Friday, December 27, 2013

101 Things in 1001 Days

As 2014 looms (and with it, graduation..!), instead of making a traditional list of New Year’s resolutions, I’m doing something a little bit different, putting it here both for public accountability and to make it easier for me to keep track of everything, and hopefully to share my experiences as I go.  I've seen this idea on a whole bunch of other blogs: 101 things in 1001 days.  Inspired, I made a list of 101 things I want to accomplish in the next 1001 days.  This seems like a really good mix between a to-do list and a bucket list, and I think I can do all of these in a little under 3 years (fingers crossed!).  I’m leaving this here to keep track of things as I go.  I’ll cross them off as I do them, and bold the things I’m working on.  Here goes nothing!