Thursday, March 13, 2014

101 in 1001: 2014 Update

Well, 2014 has slipped away from me as far as posting, clearly. The good news is that I have indeed been working on my 101 in 1001! So, without any further to-do:

#7 (Fitness): Be able to do a headstand in yoga

I've worked on doing this in yoga classes before and have never quite been able to get all the way up, but a few months ago (I think sometime in January) I was feeling kind of strong and decided to give it a go, and what do you know, I can do it! I can't hold it for too long and I still need to be against a wall to kick up, but once I'm there, I can move my legs away for a few seconds even! I definitely want to try working up to handstands now. Inversions like headstand are great when you just sort of need a change of perspective. And now that I know I can do it, I do them everywhere.

 Including the library.

#8 (Travel): Visit a new art museum

After three and a half years of being at school in the Columbus area, I finally made it to the Columbus Museum of Art! I was there with a group from school to see a specific exhibit, so I didn't get to see the whole museum, but the exhibit was great and I did get to see some of the other things in the museum, including this series by a photographer who takes photos of lakes in the West and then soaks the photos in water from the lakes. So yes, all this discoloration is just from water. Cool, huh? Don't I look artsy?

 #1 (Education/school/career): Work on my resume

I don't really have a picture of this but I have been working on my resume! I even visited my school's career services office, and they were definitely helpful. I applied for one job recently and am applying for another one, and they're both pretty different, so I had to move some things around for each application.

So that's three more off my list--five down, 96 to go!